Online Screening Test - The VCS APTitude Test
Now Available on - a way for you to take the online screening test right from your computer.
Surviving Mold Online Store
Welcome to the Online Store. New mold sickness related products are being added frequently. We want to provide a trusted resource for you to obtain products and information that will be helpful to your fight with biotoxin illnesses. Now offering international shipping! The additonal charge will appear during checkout.
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VCS APTitude Handheld Kit
- Shoemaker Protocol Certification
2016 Third Annual Conference Irvine, CA -REPLAY
Don't miss a minute of our Third Annual Conference with this Replay of the Live Stream event!
Don't miss a minute of our Third Annual Conference with this Replay of the Live Stream event!
Mold Propensity Index Input $265.00 $265.00
MPI is a weighted percentage risk assessment that gives information about a property's ability to have major water damage and mold problems, based on usual and customary events.
VCS APTitude Handheld Kit $375.00 $375.00
The VCS APTitude test is designed to help identify contrast vision loss from exposure to a variety of environmental sources of illnesses in a non-specific manner.
Understanding the Inflammatory Basis of Post-Lyme Syndrome *NEW*
Talk given at The 2011 Physician's Round Table -- January 27-30, 2011 Virginia Beach, VA
Talk given at The 2011 Physician's Round Table -- January 27-30, 2011 Virginia Beach, VA