Frequently Asked Questions Volume 5 (2014) EBOOK

Featured Resources
Better than Resolutions
Every year when the New Year rolls around, people begin to make goals and resolutions to be more health-focused, especially after a busy, festive holiday season.
No luck finding a Shoemaker Certified Practitioner? Here are some solutions:
The top inquiries to our site continue to be, ‘”Is there a Shoemaker Certified Practitioner near me? And, “Is there one who also takes my insurance?” While we don’t have practitioners in every region as of yet, many certified practitioners are set...
Online Proficiency Partners Course
Join a life-changing team helping patients with CIRS recover and thrive.
2016 Third Annual Conference Irvine, CA - Dale Bredesen, MD - Alzheimer's and CIRS
Dr. Bredesen has made GROUND BREAKING progress in reversing the affects of ALZHEIMER'S Disease. In this brief video, you can see the highlights of his speech, tomorrow he will go on NBC's Today show to reveal this massive find. Get more info, the details ...
Review: State of the Art in Mold, Water Damaged Buildings and CIRS Conference. Phoenix, AZ
November 12-15, 2015 By Jonathan Lee Wright I have just returned from four days of attendance at the State of the Art in Mold, Water Damaged Buildings and CIRS Conference in Phoenix, a symposium organized by groundbreaking medical research practition...